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Income Tax Department

Contact Us

4250 Lake Ave.

Ashtabula OH 44004

(440) 992-7104

(440) 992-7556 (Fax)

Joint Economic Development Districts


A joint economic development district (JEDD) is an agreement between a Township and a city (or multiple cities) provided for under the Ohio Revised Code, section 715.69 through 715.90.  A JEDD contract between the parties is agreed to which provides Townships with certain City authorities such as setting speed limits, the ability to levy an income tax, and protection from annexation.  A JEDD is meant to create a partnership between local jurisdictions and provide economic development to both (or all parties) in the form of revenue sharing.


Please access the Ohio State Fact Sheet or the Ohio Revised Code  for more information.


City of Ashtabula/Saybrook Township-Depot Road JEDD

The Depot Road JEDD was created in April 2013.  The JEDD levies a 1.8% income tax on all businesses within the boundaries.


City of Ashtabula/Saybrook Township-Route 20 JEDD

The Route 20 JEDD was created in May 2015.  The JEDD levies a 1.8% income tax on all businesses within the boundaries.


City of Ashtabula/Ashtabula Township JEDD

The City of Ashtabula/Ashtabula Township JEDD was created in April 2013.  The JEDD levies a 1.8% income tax on all businesses within the boundaries.

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