​2025 Concessionaire for the Walnut Beach Concession Stand
The City of Ashtabula is requesting statement of qualifications (RFQ) for a Concessionaire at the Walnut Beach Concession Stand by the City Manager of the City of Ashtabula, Ohio, at his office in the Ashtabula Municipal Building, 4250 Lake Avenue, Ashtabula, OH 44004, until noon, February 21, 2025.
Interested parties should contact Kelli Jones at the City Manager’s office to obtain the requirements of the RFQ at 440-992-7183, or by email to: kjones@cityofashtabula.com.
CLICK HERE to view the RFQ and legal notice.
Employee Benefit Consultant Services
The City of Ashtabula is seeking Request for Proposals (RFP) for Consultant Services to manage the City of Ashtabula’s Group Health Insurance.
Proposals will be received by the City Manager of the City of Ashtabula, Ohio, at his office located at 4250 Lake Avenue, Ashtabula, OH 44004, until noon, February 27, 2025. Proposals should be captioned on the outside of the envelope Employee Health Benefit Consultant Services Proposal. Contact the office of the City Manager for more information at (440) 992-7103 or send an email of inquiry to kjones@cityofashtabula.com.
CLICK HERE to view the RFP.
The City has been notified of listings stating there are current bids on some websites. After further investigation, it seems these listings have mistakenly listed the City of Ashtabula as the requestor. Please evaluate the listing for accuracy before contacting us.​